居然把我能记住和不能记住的坑全填了良心剧组啊第三季最大的进步就是配乐烘托感简直绝了 看着冬冬在箱子上面刻下的六个小人感觉有这样一个朋友真的好好啊虽然剧情越撤越大但他们依然活的那么努力那么真实广场看的有点点的难受这就是成熟和离别啊每个人都从第一部的糊里糊涂混日子找到了自己的方向即使可能暂时还没有找到方向的 万丈高楼平地起回家的诱惑全集下载最后注定分东西酸甜苦辣的生活好久没看到过这么好看的骗子了我继续打开番外去啦
Donnie Brasco? “Forget about it.” Immersion in the microcosm of the mafia through the eyes of an undercover agent, who gradually becomes more integrated as he moves up the ladder. By showing an extended period of initiation & adaptation to the norms and rules of such a closed and autonomous universe, the movie produces a fascinating and multi-faceted ethonography where the symbolic plays the greatest part. Many strong themes shape its narrative: the substitute Father-Son relationship, the aporetic identity of the Simulation subject, the impossibility of reaching a personal moral position that is strung between opposite demands. Memorable & superlative duet performance by Depp & Al Pacino.