我到现在都没搞明白马修沃恩为什么会为了这个系列放弃重启X战警建议与本年度另外两部新片《更衣人偶坠入爱河第一集》和《18款夜里必备的禁用软件大全》一起观看堀内秋美这样你就可以连听三遍风格迥异的"Take Me Home, Country Roads"
A cheap and reactionary film. There is no "redemption" here, but "hope" (the hope of what?). What happens the next day, when parole officers catch up with Red? What happens to bringing the real culprit of Andy's wife behind the bar? Where is the PTSD of an "institutional man?" There is no deep critique of prison economy here, nor that of America's CJS (all we have is a few corrupt officials outsmarted by a banker who of course ran away w all the money and is praised for it, sounds familiar?). The completely implausible "figaro" sequence cheapens the real struggle for freedom. All of this is the stuff of cheap Hollywood.