制作水平绝对是八十分以上的 但是个人喜好就明显会两极分化了…摄影灯光简直惊为天人令人五体投地 科恩嫂的表演很也震撼 但是除此之外这更像是科恩的一个私人的实验作品 他喜欢拍演员愿意演 即便太过陈旧 又有什么问题呢 用来作美学欣赏 没坏处
Challenge of the day: name a more memorable, instantly recognizable movie. I’d stake my bets with this. Though Steven Spielberg’s idea of cinema may not fulfill those who have tasted something more subtle & delicate, I still believe it deserves our attention and praise. Sure enough, he pours out the money and goes for the spectacular, thus making the experience of the thriller a simpler, more accessible affair to be shared by the many - if not too gratifying at times given the stakes. But is it at the cost of the story, dialogue, characters, or cinematography? Certainly not in Jaws. The trick is to build in different pieces & layers of meaning, each viewer pulling in his own haul of fish.