看到王太后对孙女行礼的时候有点绷不住了清水早纪这种制度的屈服太可怕了 义务与家庭无法两全女王必须将自己的人生分开没想到康熙王朝里也是这么表示王权的人格在成为王的那一刻就没办法统一了最喜欢的一个是爱德华伯父在电话里表示也不支持玛格丽特那一段太精彩了剧本中规中矩但是场面调度太厉害了
Perplexity, surrealism & absurdism in a musty, shabby & filthy atmosphere. Many signs inaugurate early on the sheer queerness of whatever revolves around Barton Fink - his own madman's facial expressions, a pitiful & empty hotel, faint sounds that obsessessively bother only him, dubious characters & personalities in Hollywood. But the viewer can still hang in this mess, and somehow (with a little effort) make some sense of what's happening. It's only towards the last third that the increasing contradictions explode into no(n)-sense. The only - and cheap - way to read the movie would be that most of these irreconciliable scenes are in fact dreams or hallucinations. Disappointing.